Look To Love tekst


It was a time to do it right
Every step when you were preparing to say goodnight
It was a hard to kiss you
Even harder to say goodbye
But tonight you are mine
Let's make the sky shine
In the colours of ours
In the colours of love.
I love you it is a word to say
I mean it
I ment it from the day we met
And I will keep saying that
My feelings are stronger and stronger
I hoped we will met again.
Look us today
This is me
You are here sittin next to me
Your heart is laying next to mine
Your head on my shoulders
We waited for that

No force
No enemy could set us appart
Only if we wish that
But that is the last
Our dream coming true
Before we fallasleep
Say I love you
And kiss

Kiss me like on beggining under the bridge
So softly
So beautiful to dream of

You are now my dream in reality never wish to end
My last spoken word to you will be
As I said
What was I said to you?

In the future of the time
You will be sleeping next to mine
Last word I will said
I love you girl
From the day we met.

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